Between the Coronavirus and Ramadan: On Vigilance and Building a Better Now: A Virtual Khutbah

BismiLlah wa salatu wa salam ala RasuliLlah, wa ala aalihi wa sahbihi wa man(w)wala. Amma Ba‘ad. I pray that, on this Friday, …as we vigilantly and lovingly welcome Ramadan, we awaken to the moments and moment that Allah has chosen to place us. A quotation from Charles Dickens, the opening to one of his novels, is worth reflecting on: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” The current culture caused Read more…

Comments on Covid-19

To the Fuqara’ as-salaam alaykum, Let us not allow our lives to be driven by the media, which often amplifies  the stories that they follow. COVID-19 is currently taking on a life of its own in the popular media. Of course, there are many concerns here, but as a spiritual organization, we should be clear on a few things: God has placed us in the world, which has its own limitations and conditions. We need Read more…