For some time now we have been contemplating a change in name.
Of course, we are—and we will always be—a branch of the Shādhiliyyah, Darqāwiyyah, ‘Alawiyyah, Maryamiyyah Sufi Order. This is our silsilah and our heritage; that will never change. Nevertheless, as we have all noted, constantly referring to our community as “the Washington-Baltimore Branch of the Maryamiyyah Sufi Order” has been awkward and unnecessarily clumsy. Further, that is a description, not a name.
After a great deal of thought, prayer, and consultation, I have decided to accept the name Hudur as the appellative signifier of our Order. Hudur or “Presence” defines or acknowledges both the philosophy and the practices of our teaching and community. Our work here is to be present with and for the Divine.
We are Sufis. Our philosophy is non-dual and traditionalist. Our methods utilize practical means for making ourselves present for the Transcendent.
Our focus is on practical spiritual methods and on individual spiritual guidance. We see these as essential ingredients for spiritual growth and for the practice of any path and particularly for the practice of Sufism.
We will continue to serve our fuqara as we have done so.
Looking forward, inshAllah.